Flutter app testing and debugging flutter app testing

App Testing In Debug And Release Build In Flutter

In Flutter after creating the app we test the app using an emulator or directly connecting with a physical device. The build of the application will be in debug mode so that constraints will be minimum.

The constraints include how the app is treated when it’s in the background and foreground. In debug mode, there is no difference in access level thus they both work without distinction. The app’s life cycle includes different builds like debugging and releasing the end result can be in the form of a bundle or APK in signed form or not. 

The APK in debug and release mode will behave differently when we test it. The main difference will be in the behavior of the app in the background as access is limited and very few features will be available. This includes the response to any notification received as the app is in the background. A simple sound with a pop-up screen will be visible in release mode compared to whatever we were generating in debug mode.

There exist a couple of ways we can generate the result we expect in release mode. One way is to establish a new notification channel and declare the notification function in the main. This gives the code enough priority to execute when the app is in the background.

In the main function

const AndroidNotificationChannel channel = AndroidNotificationChannel(
 'high_importance_channel', // id
 'High Importance Notifications', // title
 'This channel is used for important notifications.', // description
 importance: Importance.max,

In android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml

 android:value="high_importance_channel" />

Now if the code is still not getting enough priority we can use @pragma(‘vm:entry-point’). This will prompt the call to the notification.

To know more about the topic refer to the page: https://firebase.flutter.dev/docs/messaging/notifications/

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