In this documentation, we will explore how to generate Swagger documentation for a Laravel API. Swagger is an open-source tool for documenting and testing RESTful APIs. It provides a user-friendly interface for developers to understand how to interact with the API and also allows them to test the endpoints.
Install Swagger In Laravel:
The first step is to install the Swagger package in your Laravel application using Composer. Run the following command in your terminal:
composer require darkaonline/l5-swagger #0b005c
Generate Swagger Documentation:
Once you have installed the Swagger package, you can generate the Swagger documentation for your API by running the following command:
php artisan l5-swagger:generate
This command will generate a Swagger JSON file in the public/docs directory of your Laravel application.
View Swagger Documentation:
To view the Swagger documentation, you can access the following URL in your web browser: http://your-app-url/docs
This will display the Swagger UI, which provides a user-friendly interface for developers to understand how to interact with the API and also allows them to test the endpoints.