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Cohesion And Coupling Of Widgets In Flutter.

In Flutter widgets are represented everywhere, which is a stand-alone component that has high cohesion and low coupling. In Flutter, cohesion defines the extent to which the functionalities and responsibilities of a widget are concentrated and stand-alone. A cohesive widget serves a specific and clearly defined objective and contains related logic and data. The level of reliance between widgets is referred to as coupling in Flutter. When the widgets in Flutter depend on one another highly, the coupling is considered to be strong. It will be difficult to modify or replace one without affecting the other. As a result, it reduces the code flexibility and maintainability.

The freedom of having such a structure in Flutter is that it helps add one object to another in a way that is not affected by the strain of the previous or following structure. The more structure that gets added the component only has to worry about its connections, not the whole structure. The programmer can move forward with the creation of the structure with only the immediate future and past in mind. Rather than the bigger picture of the complex application.

This way of architecture is getting popular with time where the limitation in choice is overlooked by the sheer number of the same limit thus making the limitation irrelevant. The number of people that have favored such a style of architecture is growing exponentially. It is because of the reduction in the level of expertise needed for performing tasks. The large set of programmers are getting highly skilled in working with such architectural platforms which is even transferable as new platforms are following similar structural design.

The widgets in Flutter changed the rate of cohesion and coupling within application components. Thus increasing the popularity of architectural design.

For better cohesion and low coupling, certain design components, and patterns are to be followed:

  • Single Responsibility Principle (SRP): Each widget should concentrate on a particular functionality.
  • Separation of Concerns (SoC): Different methodologies should be adopted for handling different concerns.
  • Composition over Inheritance: Develop reusable and small widgets, which result in better containment and reduced coupling.
  • State Management: Proper state management can reduce the coupling by defining the data flow, and separating the widget-defined state.

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