Category: Mobile

ArCore for building Android AR applications.
  • Build App using ARCore

    Build App using ARCore

    ArCore is a platform for building Android AR applications. It enables your phone to sense its environment.  ARCore works on 3 principles: As the user moves their phone in the actual world, ARCore can recognize its surroundings and create a digital simulation of the real world in which it can place objects. In order to…

  • App Testing In Debug And Release Build In Flutter

    App Testing In Debug And Release Build In Flutter

    In Flutter after creating the app we test the app using an emulator or directly connecting with a physical device. The build of the application will be in debug mode so that constraints will be minimum. The constraints include how the app is treated when it’s in the background and foreground. In debug mode, there…

  • Testing And Debugging in Flutter Apps

    Testing And Debugging in Flutter Apps

    For Flutter developers to produce high-quality applications, testing, and debugging are essential steps in the software development process. This blog aims to help you optimize your development process and produce better apps by examining some best practices and tools for testing and debugging Flutter apps. Unit Testing Individual units or components of your program can…

  • API Connection Between Flutter And WordPress

    API Connection Between Flutter And WordPress

    The blog discusses the usage of APIs for establishing a connection between the Flutter mobile app and the WordPress backend. It provides for efficient communication and information exchange. Using a web server API helps to organize the functionality of the mobile application with ease. Multiplexing with existing channels of connection can easily overcome the challenge…

  • HTML Widget In Flutter, A Way Of Reusability.

    HTML Widget In Flutter, A Way Of Reusability.

    Repeating code in a setup for the same or similar functionality is considered a cardinal sin among programmers. Identifying the areas which share similar functionality and generating a one size fits all code for the same is a challenging task. The skill of the programmer is visible in such a situation. The reusability of code…

  • How To Develop A Secure Android App

    How To Develop A Secure Android App

    When it comes to Android app development, security and protecting user data are of at most importance. There are several practices that developers should follow. Maintain Secure communication with other apps Secure Network communication Ensure network security with HTTPS and SSL. For any kind of network communication, we must use HTTPS (instead of plain HTTP)…

  • Important Topics in Flutter

    Important Topics in Flutter

    Flutter is an open-source user interface toolkit. Flutter is used for mobile app development. From a single codebase, it can compile and also develop mobile, desktop, and web applications. Moreover, it can also create visually appealing and high-performance applications. Also, the application developed using Flutter can run on different platforms. Flutter Development Programming Language Flutter…

  • How To Connect Firebase  And React JS Application

    How To Connect Firebase  And React JS Application

    The blog explains how to connect React JS And Firebase Database, which is an easy task. Firebase is a mobile and web development platform provided by Google. It offers a range of tools and services like Real-time Database, Authentication, Hosting, Cloud Functions, etc., that help developers to build, and improve applications quickly and efficiently. React.js…

  • Searching details in the Firebase database.

    Searching details in the Firebase database.

    The expectation of a search function in the Firebase database is to generate similar quantities of searching entities. But it does not precisely generate the input match. Implementing it generates a number of concerns when done manually. A simple function of “like” provides a close approximation of the desired result. It actually compares lower and…

  • What is mobile app testing? What are the considerations and strategies planned for mobile app testing.

    What is mobile app testing? What are the considerations and strategies planned for mobile app testing.

    Mobile app testing is the process of assuring that the mobile application has achieved the client’s requirements. Testing validates the quality, functionality, reliability, usability, performance, security, and compatibility across various devices and platforms. It entails methodically testing various software features. It helps to find bugs, mistakes, usability concerns, and other potential issues that might harm…

  • Android Architecture.

    Android Architecture.

    Android architecture, helps to attain a proper structure for the code. It has three different types of architecture patterns followed in Android are: MVC (Model View Controller) Model View Controller is an architecture pattern that tells to separate code for Android applications into 3 layers which are as follows − Advantages of using MVC Pattern…

  • Machine Learning Using ML Kit.

    Machine Learning Using ML Kit.

    ML Kit is a collection of machine learning APIs that can be used for both Android and iOS. ML Kit allows developers to easily integrate machine learning capabilities into their Android and iOS apps without extensive knowledge of machine learning algorithms and techniques. You can use this library to perform machine learning tasks, such as…