Category: Blog

Brief about Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)
Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) is a crucial, reliable Core Web Vital statistic for assessing actual load speed since it indicates when the page’s primary content has most likely loaded. A fast LCP encourages users to trust the page’s usefulness. It has always been difficult for web developers to evaluate how soon a web page’s primary…
Security Difference Between CodeIgniter 3 and CodeIgniter 4
Both CodeIgniter 3 and CodeIgniter 4 are PHP frameworks. CodeIgniter 4 is the most recent version and has various changes and enhancements, including security. Here are some of the most significant security distinctions between CodeIgniter 3 and CodeIgniter 4. Strict Type Declaration CodeIgniter 4 encourages the use of strict type declarations when defining controller methods,…
Creating Responsive Layouts in Flutter
In today’s mobile-driven world, ensuring that your Flutter app looks and works well on various devices and screen sizes is paramount. Whether your users are on a smartphone, tablet, or desktop, providing a responsive user interface is crucial for delivering a top-notch user experience. In this guide, we’ll explore the techniques and tools you can…
A Comparative Analysis of MySQL 8.0 and Previous Versions
The 8.0 version of MySQL, one of the world’s most popular open-source relational database management systems, has undergone significant changes. When compared to earlier versions, MySQL, one of the most widely used open-source relational database management systems, has experienced substantial changes. This comparison explores the primary variations and advancements between MySQL 8.0 and its forerunners,…
Full-Stack Web Application with User-Triggered Async Job: Export as CSV using Redis and Celery
In this documentation, we will guide you through building a full-stack web application with a user-triggered async job to export data as a CSV file. Here we will use Flask for the API backend, VueJS for the frontend UI, Redis for caching, and Celery for background batch jobs. Thus this application will allow users to…
Clipping In Flutter
Flutter, known for its flexibility and power in creating stunning user interfaces, offers a wide range of tools for crafting unique and visually appealing designs. One such tool is clipping, which allows you to shape and cut widgets in various ways, giving you the creative freedom to design beautiful and eye-catching UIs. In this blog…
Mastering Ant Design in React: Building Dynamic UI with Ease and Elegance
Ant Design is a React.js UI framework that has simple-to-use components for creating dynamic user interfaces. Build complex, interactive user interfaces with the help of the high-quality components and demos found in the `antd` React UI toolkit. Its integration and usage is very easy. It is one of the most preferable options to design web…
Storing Data On The Client-Side In React JS
Developers have various alternatives for storing client-side data in React JS and web development, which includes local Storage, cookies, and HttpOnly cookies. Each of these choices has specific applications and advantages. Let’s compare them. Local Storage Local Storage is a web storage mechanism that allows web applications to store data locally on a user’s device.…
How to Install and Configure WordPress Multisite on Subdirectories
WordPress multisite functionality allows you to manage several websites from a single installation. Whether you’re a developer, site administrator, or simply want to simplify your online presence, this step-by-step tutorial will lead you through the process of setting up and efficiently administering several sites using Multisite WordPress Backup Website Make a full backup of the…
Call/Video Call Booking App: Takes Your Booking Business To The Future
Businesses are increasingly turning to cutting-edge solutions that offer adaptability and efficiency in an era where the digital revolution is transforming sectors. The appointment booking app is one important tool that has become a game-changer for businesses across several sectors. It is a potent tool that cuts over industry borders and meets the varied demands…
Best Practices for Ensuring Website Security
Website security plays an important role in today’s digital world. With an increase in cyber threats and attacks, it is essential to ensure the safety of your website’s data, user information, and overall performance. In this blog, we will explore some essential tactics and recommendations to help you enhance the security of your website. Maintain…
Drupal to WordPress Migration
Transferring the content, users, and other data from your Drupal site to a WordPress site requires a number of stages during the migration from Drupal to WordPress. A general guide to assist you in the migrating process is provided below: Set up a new WordPress site. Install and configure WordPress on the new server to…