Category: React

Theme Switching: Dark, Light, Auto Mode in React
Introduction This article explains theme switching in React apps, allowing users to toggle between dark, light, and auto modes, improving UX and accessibility. Steps to Implement Toggle Theme in React App. 1. Set Up the React Application First, create a new React application using the Create React App or any other setup you choose. 2.…
Integrating Mobile Commons SMS in React.js App
Mobile Commons offers a robust SMS API service for sending and receiving an SMS, enabling seamless integration into your React.js application. This documentation allows you to integrate Mobile Commons SMS functionality using React.js. Prerequisites Mobile Commons Account: Implementation Replace ‘YOUR_API_KEY’, ‘YOUR_API_SECRET’, and ‘YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID’ with your Mobile Commons API key, API secret, and account ID. const…
Mastering Ant Design in React: Building Dynamic UI with Ease and Elegance
Ant Design is a React.js UI framework that has simple-to-use components for creating dynamic user interfaces. Build complex, interactive user interfaces with the help of the high-quality components and demos found in the `antd` React UI toolkit. Its integration and usage is very easy. It is one of the most preferable options to design web…
Storing Data On The Client-Side In React JS
Developers have various alternatives for storing client-side data in React JS and web development, which includes local Storage, cookies, and HttpOnly cookies. Each of these choices has specific applications and advantages. Let’s compare them. Local Storage Local Storage is a web storage mechanism that allows web applications to store data locally on a user’s device.…
Making HTTP Requests To External Resources in ReactJS
ReactJS can use a variety of ways to send HTTP requests to external resources like servers or APIs.The most common approach is to use the fetch API. Fetch is a built-in browser API for making HTTP requests. Additionally, you can also use third-party libraries like Axios to simplify the process. Apart from Axios and Fetch,…
How To Connect Firebase And React JS Application
The blog explains how to connect React JS And Firebase Database, which is an easy task. Firebase is a mobile and web development platform provided by Google. It offers a range of tools and services like Real-time Database, Authentication, Hosting, Cloud Functions, etc., that help developers to build, and improve applications quickly and efficiently. React.js…
Seryas It Solutions had a chance to install the Agora Video SDK tool on one of our Flutter projects. So, we just wanted to write down the steps on how to set up Agora Video SDK into a Flutter project. Agora’s Video SDK is a tool that makes it easier to incorporate real-time video chat into…
How To Install Tailwind CSS With Create React App
It is advisable to use Vite, Next.js, Remix, or Parcel instead of Create React App to install Tailwind CSS in the case of new projects. How to install Tailwind CSS with Create React App 1. Create your project;Using create-react-app, to create a new React project if you don’t have one already.npx create-react-app my-projectcd my-project 2. Install Tailwind CSS;Via…