Category: Blog

MongoDB Optimization Techniques
MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database designed for scalability and flexibility, but like any database system, it requires careful optimization. MongoDB Optimization Techniques refers to the process of improving the performance and efficiency of a MongoDB database. It includes fine-tuning the database settings, organizing the data for better performance, writing quickly executable queries, configuring data…
HTML Widget In Flutter, A Way Of Reusability.
Repeating code in a setup for the same or similar functionality is considered a cardinal sin among programmers. Identifying the areas which share similar functionality and generating a one size fits all code for the same is a challenging task. The skill of the programmer is visible in such a situation. The reusability of code…
Top Tools And Technologies In IT Services: Enhancing The Digital Environment
In today’s rapidly changing digital economy, IT services are crucial for helping organizations to thrive and expand. The world of IT services is constantly developing. Organizations must stay updated on new developments to raise productivity, improve efficiency, and provide top-notch services. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the most innovative tools and technologies in…
How To Develop A Secure Android App
When it comes to Android app development, security and protecting user data are of at most importance. There are several practices that developers should follow. Maintain Secure communication with other apps Secure Network communication Ensure network security with HTTPS and SSL. For any kind of network communication, we must use HTTPS (instead of plain HTTP)…
Custom WordPress Function For Sending Push Notifications To The Mobile App Via Firebase
The mobile and web application development platforms use the Firebase Cloud Messaging feature. Mainly it allows developers to send push notifications and messages to Android, iOS, and web platform devices. Moreover, Sending push notifications to mobile apps using WordPress is an easy task. So many WordPress plugins are available for connecting the wordpress to the…
What Is Shift Left Testing? What Are Its Advantages Over Traditional Testing?
In the process of the Software Development Cycle (SDLC), developers traditionally perform software testing later, mainly during the integration or testing phase. This type of approach results in extended time for the completion of the project. The developer has to rectify all the errors identified by the tester. These errors may extend to the earlier…
Custom Post Type In WordPress Using Code
Register new Custom Post Type manually in WordPress. In order to register a custom post type in WordPress, we must hook to the init action. The function.php file for the theme must contain the following code: The register_post_type() function, is a part of the prefix_create_custom_post_type() function. It is used to create a custom post type…
Laravel Development with JWT Authentication
In this blog, we discuss how to use the JWT for the authentication of Laravel applications. Laravel is a popular PHP framework. It is mainly used for developing web applications. The core feature of Laravel is that it has built-in authentication functionality. This functionality helps to create simple and secure applications. In this article, we…
Fullpage.js Installation And Working
Here, in this article, we are discussing how to install fullpage.js and how it works. It’s a simple but effective library that builds fullscreen scrolling websites and creates landscape sliders inside the site’s sections. Basically, it’s used for single-page websites. To install the plugin, 1st you need to download the Fullpage.js
Things to keep in mind for safeguarding Codeigniter 3 websites
Anti-CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) tokens To protect Codeigniter3 web applications from malicious attacks, it provides built-in CSRF protection. It can be enabled by making $config[‘csrf_protection’] = TRUE in the application/config/config.php file. Then include the CSRF token in the form. A CSRF token is valid for a single form submission. A new token is generated for…
Important Topics in Flutter
Flutter is an open-source user interface toolkit. Flutter is used for mobile app development. From a single codebase, it can compile and also develop mobile, desktop, and web applications. Moreover, it can also create visually appealing and high-performance applications. Also, the application developed using Flutter can run on different platforms. Flutter Development Programming Language Flutter…
How To Connect Firebase And React JS Application
The blog explains how to connect React JS And Firebase Database, which is an easy task. Firebase is a mobile and web development platform provided by Google. It offers a range of tools and services like Real-time Database, Authentication, Hosting, Cloud Functions, etc., that help developers to build, and improve applications quickly and efficiently. React.js…